for the World’s working majority, utility is a high value, the merely decorative seems trivial, and their greatest creations blend the aesthetic with the useful, just as a good meal blends flavor and nutrition.
- Henry Glassie, The Potter’s Art.
Domestic fluff is a term used to describe scenes or stories that are lighthearted, comforting, and focus on domestic activities.
Domestic life to most is mundane. To some, it can represent subjugation. To me, although my relationship with domesticity is complicated, home is a place I want to feel safe and creative.
I believe in ritualizing our routines where our vessels become tools of ceremony. Your choice of mug can reshape your morning coffee or tea.
Ceramics allow us to marry art with utility. It can inject romance into every day moments.
When making these pieces, I’m not only thinking of the aesthetic and function for the beholder, but how the item can change the experience it’s utilized for.
Thus, the philosophy of Soft Shell Ceramics was born. I’m here to inspire you to make your life and spaces romantic, soft, and completely your own despite the regularity of a harsh world.